Dear Future AP Psychology Students, Most of you probably have heard that psychology has to do with the brain and the mind and you are pretty right. We learn about the parts of the brain all the way to mental disorders like common ones like Bi-Polar Depression. The course consists of some notes, lots of content digs (group worksheets), and tests. The most tedious thing to do for AP Psych is the vocabulary we do for tests. We are supposed to do it everyday to keep up so that it doesn't pile up but a lot of the time you will forget about it because of other classes. One of the things I loved most about the class was the group I had that I had for most of the content digs. We would work on content digs while cracking jokes and often work fast and have some leftover time at the end to talk. My advice for future students would probably be to keep up with the vocabulary. I have done both spaced interval study and procrastinated and the ladder is not as nice. The work starts to pile...
Showing posts from May, 2019