The article i found list some cool facts about hearing. I found it pretty cool that earwax has been used by anthropologist to trace early migration patterns even though i don't really understand why. I also found out that certain organisms like snakes and mosquitos use other ways to hear things like their jawbones or antenna. I also found out that if you listen to music that is as low as 120 decibels, you can damage your hearing in just seven and a half minutes.  In addition, I thought the craziest thing that I read was that during WWI, Paris placed parrots on the eiffel tower because of their incredible sense of hearing. They would alert the French government if they ever heard danger coming their way.

The picture i put below is a picture of a superhero i really like named "Daredevil". He is blind but because he is blind, is sense of hearing has heightened to an extreme level. He fights crime with his mask covering his eyes and locates bad people throughout the city by hearing them on rooftops. Although something this insane is humanly impossible (that people know of), his ability is really cool and inspired me to write about sound.

Image result for daredevil black

I took the color change test and got a perfect score on it. along with my 20/20 vision, i have no colorblindness and can see all visuals perfectly well.

The cheese displayed in the video is extremely disgusting. I could not eat that atrocity simply because I see worms moving around in it and I am not going to willingly eat little worms such as those in the video. If the cheese did not have the disgusting worms on it then i would definitely try a piece but as long as the worms are there, I am gone.


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