Birthday: September 17th

Categories: Temporal lobe, Dopamine
Hero name: Opioid

Origin Story:

One day Preston Zimmerman was tinkering with one of his dad's creations. His father, a renowned nuclear chemist and physicist, was working on an incubator that could control fusion of Uranium and Palladium to give off extreme amounts of never-ending, reliable, and clean energy. By accident, Preston popped open the door of the incubator and all the energy was released. The energy hit Preston in the head sending him flying across the room  through the glass glass window out into the lake. The incubator was left open and demolished every object and person in the building. Preston's father along with his little brother were killed and it was because of his idiocy. Preston nearly drowns in the lake but is rescued by a nearby couple. The couple take Preston in, trying to console him and talk about what happened but to no avail. Weeks have passed by and Preston has done nothing but stay with his new family and bask in his guilt. One night preston goes to the top of the tenement building he is in and look out over the edge. He asks God why didn't he die with his family? Why his his life saved when the rest weren't. He steps onto the ledge while crying and closes his eyes. As soon as he closes them, he feels a hand on his shoulder. He turns around on the edge to see his little brother. His brother  begs him to step down. He tells him that he was saved for a reason. That there is a reason he didn't die. Preston steps off the ledge but as soon as he does, he hears cops rushing up the door. He begins to panic. Not knowing what to do, he does the only thing he knows he can. He curls into a ball and starts crying. The cops bust down the door and look all around. He is unable to be seen, but not because he isn't there. Because the image of Preston is being blocked in the cops by him subconsciously. All they hear is weeping and they are unable to sense where it's coming from. The cops go back down under the stairs causing Preston to get out of his ball and assess the situation. Preston is extremely confused so he goes to a community doctor to see if there is something wrong with him. The doctor diagnoses Preston with a highly functioning temporal lobe and strong amounts of dopamine. The Doctor states that Preston should not experience any sort of negative side-effects but Preston is unsure of everything thats happened to him. After his visit to the doctor, Preston develops a curiosity for what he can do and starts to test his abilities in the coming weeks. He finds that not only does he have the ability to alter or create images in others' head but because of his high amounts of dopamine, he can communicate feelings with people by touching their skin. Preston begins helping people at night stopping petty crimes like theft but also helps out the occasional assault. Preston knows he is meant for greater, so he waits. He waits for the opportunity to prove he is not the sum of the mistakes he made. He begins to wear a black and red carbon-nylon suit while going out at night. He wishes to meet people like him, other who can defend the helpless. He becomes Opioid and goes onto to save his city from a criminal organization know as BOLT that runs the underground world.

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With the help of the Super-Speaker, the Hearing helper, and Static Sensation, Opioid formed a team of heroes known as the Temporal Team. They bond over their extremely functioning temporal lobe and become more than a group of friends working together. They become a family. The team goes on to squash threats to their city that could end happiness as they know it. After years of service, the temporal team is presented with the key to the city and a grant to build a watchtower for the city in order to better protect the innocents.


  1. I acquire your assistance in controlling the masses by changing their images on the current situation. I can't have them seeing the bloodshed that takes place as I capture criminals. I know you already have a group but this would only be an occasional and temporary alliance. My name is the Sleepless Demon and the team will be call the Chasers.


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