This week our assignment was to write about anything relating to psychology so I have decided to write about emotions, specifically, the relationship between the emotions. When you are raising a child, most of the time, they tend to not be able to recognize commands or any language for that matter when they are in their youngest stages. You may tell a child to stop crying or to be quiet but they won't listen mainly because they really don't understand what you're saying, but they seem to understand when you're mad at them or happy with with them. When you think about it, it makes sense. When you see a younger baby, what do you usually do? Smile and wave at them or greet them and ask how their day was? You smile and wave because when you do, the baby smiles and gets all happy. The baby doesn't understand language but the emotions you show it. Additionally, when people start to spend more time with others who are constantly in one emotion, like sadness, they ...
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